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Please use the form below to enter a repair or maintenance request. If the problem is life-threatening, do not wait for a response from NHA. Call 911 immediately!
Select development
Please indicate the area(s) effected: Dwelling Unit(s)
Interior Common Area (Community Room, Hallway, Lobby, Stairway, etc.) Exterior Common Area (Parking Lot, Playground, etc.)
Please indicate the nature of the problem(s) Asbestos Plumbing (Flooding, leaks, no water)
Boiler (hot water) Roof
Electrical/Power failure Security (Cameras, Fencing, etc.)
Fire Damage Sewage
Heating & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Structural Damage
Landscaping (Fallen trees, etc.) Vandalism
Locks & Doors Vermin (Mice, rats, roaches, etc.)
Parking Lot Windows
Other (Give details below)
Use this space to provide any additional information about the nature of the problem(s)
Original Work Order #
Materials available/on order: